Business immigration: what does the bill introduced by the french government provide for?
13 months after the enactment of the Asylum and Immigration Law, the executive power is ready to reexamine the subject of immigration. On November 6, Édouard Philippe presented some 20 immigration-related measures. Some of these announcements relating directly to Business immigration, here is what is worth remembering.
Implementation of quotas for Business Immigration
Although the French government prefers to use the term “numerical targets”, quotas for professional immigrants will be set each year. The aim is to make it easier for sectors in difficulty to recruit foreign workers by simplifying the conditions and procedure for issuing work permits.
Labor requirements per business line and territory will be determined each year by decree and after a debate in Parliament. The government wants to hold the first debate on the subject before the end of 2020.
A new list of stranded lines
Directly related to the implementation of quotas for Business Immigration, the details of the occupations experiencing labor shortages (métiers en tension) will be updated. This list was last updated in 2008! This list will then be re-evaluated each year in order to determine the number of people to be accommodated per occupation and territory. The analysis will be carried out by the Dares (statistical unit of the Ministry of Labor) and Pôle emploi.
This update could benefit companies that need to recruit candidates with skills that hard to come by in France but not eligible for the Talent Passport scheme.
The other measures
The level of language required to obtain French nationality will be raised. This measure will have a particular impact on the British who wish to be naturalized as a result of Brexit.
The French government also aims to have 500, 000 foreign students in France by 2027. With 340,000 students, France is now the 5th host country for foreign students but this ranking could quickly drop out in an increasingly intense international competition.
Any professional immigration projects? We stand alongside you in order to facilitate the mobility of your employees to France or to any other country.